- The Swiss Confederation awards the Government Excellence Scholarships annually to promote international exchange and research cooperation between Switzerland and over 180 other countries.
Scholarship Overview
- The Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships are aimed at young researchers from abroad who have completed a Master’s or a Ph.D. and are planning to go to Switzerland to pursue research or further studies at the doctoral or postdoctoral level.
- The awarding body, the Federal Commission for Scholarships for Foreign Students (FCS), selects recipients of these scholarships.
Host School(s)
Applicants may choose to study at any of the following institutions.
- Ten Swiss Cantonal Universities
- Two Swiss Federal Institutes of Technology
- Four public teaching and research institutes
- Universities of Applied Sciences
- Any Swiss conservatory or university of the arts
Field(s) of Study
- All academic fields (including young medical doctors)
What does the scholarship cover?
Details may vary according to the country of origin, but the basic benefits include:
- A monthly payment of CHF 1920.
- Recipients from non-EU and non-EFTA countries receive a flight allowance paid out as a lump sum for a ticket back to their country of origin (provided at the end of the scholarship).
- Support services, sightseeing tours, and dinners organized for recipients.
- A one-year half-fare public transport card.
- A special housing allowance of CHF 300 paid once at the beginning of the scholarship.
- Swiss health insurance paid by the FCS for non-EU and non-EFTA grantees.
How many scholarships are given?
- Not stated
Which countries are targeted?
- Over 180 countries as listed on the website.
Am I Eligible to Apply?
To apply for this scholarship, you must:
- have a Master’s degree or its equivalent university degree, recognized by the Swiss university. The degree certificate must be submitted to the FCS before the start of the scholarship as proof, and must be acquired before 31 July 2025;
- be born after 31 December 1989;
- have the necessary language skills required for the research/studies;
- provide a letter from an academic host professor or mentor (including his/her short CV) at your Swiss university of choice, confirming why he/she is willing to supervise and support the research;
- have a research proposal that includes a time frame.
- Scholarship holders are expected to move to Switzerland for the duration of the grant.
- Applicants who have been in Switzerland for more than one year at the beginning of the scholarship in September are not eligible.
- Any applicant who has previously benefitted from a Swiss Government Scholarship is not eligible to apply for a second one.
How Do I Apply – Next Steps
- Open the scholarship website, then select your country of origin, check the scholarships available for your country, and note the deadlines.
- Read the application guidelines.
- Download the application package, then fill it out and print it.
- Once completed, you must submit two paper copies of your application to the postal address of your country of origin as indicated on the website.
- Your application will go through a preliminary selection process carried out by the relevant national authorities and/or the Swiss diplomatic representation.
- The short-listed applications are then assessed by the Federal Commission for Scholarships for Foreign Students (FCS), which makes the final decision.
Selection Criteria
- Candidate’s profile
- Quality of research project
- Synergies and potential for future research cooperation
Required Documents
- A signed FCS application form (typed and printed) with a photograph attached.
- A full CV with a list of academic publications, awards, etc.
- Photocopies of grade sheets and certificates from previously attended universities/colleges and diplomas with grades, starting at the most recent. Certified translations in English are required for documents not in English, French, German, or Italian.
- A complete research proposal with a clear research goal on an FCS research proposal form, a maximum of 5 pages long, and signed.
- A motivation letter, a maximum of 2 pages long.
- A copy of the letter from an academic host professor or mentor (including his/her short CV) at the chosen Swiss university confirming why he/she is willing to supervise and support the research.
- Two confidential letters of recommendation from two different professors in the applicant’s field, written exclusively on the FCS reference form. The originals should be placed in sealed envelopes.
- Two copies of the applicant’s passport, showing the main page with personal data. Dual nationals should add copies of both passports. Applicants who are already in Switzerland during the application procedure should add a copy of their residence permit to their application.
- A signed medical certificate, on the FCS health certificate form.
- Do not put the documents in binders or plastic folders.
- Submit the application documents to the local Swiss embassy or local representative in your country.
Closing Date
- Deadlines are country-dependent, falling between September and December 2024.
How do I get more information?
i am looking for full funded scholarship for Masters in law from any Swiss university pleas help