Scholarship Overview
- The provision of the SR Government scholarships is a long-term part of SR development aid, which is a programme and project activity of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the SR within the framework of the international community
Host School(s)
- Study in Slovakia at public universities.
Field(s) of Study
- Teacher Training and Education Science; 1.1.1 – 1.1.10
- Social and Behavioural Sciences; 3.1.1 – 3.1.16
- Business and Administration; 3.3.1 – 3.3.25
- Ecological and Environmental Sciences; 4.3.1 – 4.3.5
- Building Engineering, Manufacturing and Communication; 5.2.1 – 5.2.60
- Agriculture; 6.1.1 – 6.1.17
- Forestry; 6.2.1 – 6.2.6
- Veterinary; 6.3.1 – 6.3.11
- Water Resource Management; 6.4.1 – 6.4.2
- Medical Sciences; 7.1.1 – 7.1.26
- Dental Surgery; 7.2.1
- Pharmaceutical Sciences; 7.3.1 – 7.3.7
- Non-Medical Health Sciences; 7.4.1 – 7.4.11
What does the scholarship cover?
1. The SR Ministry of Education, Science, Research & Sport shall provide a foreigner an SR Government scholarship during the standard length of study, when he/she is, pursuant to Act no 131/2002 Coll. on universities and on the amendment of certain acts, as amended a student of a public university in the SR as follows:
Stage of higher education SR Government scholarship Merit scholarship
language and vocational training €280 monthly €0
higher education: first degree €280 monthly €50 monthly
higher education: second degree €280 monthly €50 monthly
higher education: third degree €330 monthly €170 annually
a) the monthly scholarship grant in the set amount,
b) accommodation in a student hall of residence and catering in student canteens for payment equal to that of a student with SR citizenship,
c) education at the chosen public university under conditions equal to those of a student with SR citizenship pursuant to the conditions set by the university’s statute,
d) an SR Government scholarship for 10-month language and vocational training, in the case that the applicant has not completed secondary education in the SR or at a secondary school with Slovak language tuition abroad. Completion by a final exam is required and does not replace the university admission procedure pursuant to Act no. 131/2002 Coll. on universities and on the amendment of certain acts, as amended.
How many scholarships are given?
- See Below – Listed by eligible country and # of awards giving
Country – Bachelor and Master – PhD
Development assistance – 2016
- I Afghanistan 5 1
- II Kenya 5 1
- III Moldova 5 1
Technical assistance -2016
- IV Albania 3 0
- IV Belarus 2 1
- IV Bosnia and Herzegovina 3 0
- III Georgia 2 1
- III Kosovo* 3 0
- III Ukraine 2 1
Special Interest Countries – 2016
- III Moldova 5 1
- III Palestinian National Authority 3 0
- III Vietnam 4 1
Technical assistance – ??? verify
- III Indonesia 1 0
- III Iraq 1 0
- III Pakistan 1 0
- III Syria 1 0
- III Uzbekistan 1 1
- III Vietnam 1 1
- IV Albania 1 0
Technical assistance – ??? verify
- IV Azerbaijan 1 0
- IV Ecuador 1 0
- IV Jordan 1 0
- IV Kazakhstan 1 0
- IV Lebanon 1 0
- IV Macedonia 2 0
- IV Namibia 1 0
- IV Peru 1 0
- IV Serbia 2 0
- IV Thailand 1 0
Am I Eligible to Apply?
Persons applying for an SR Government scholarship for bachelor, master or postgraduate higher education study programmes in the framework of the SR Government’s offer must meet the following conditions:
a) have attained complete secondary education completed by a school-leaving exam. The document on education acquired abroad must be assessed by the Centre for Recognition of Diplomas of the SR Ministry of Education, Science, Research & Sport at Stromová 1, 813 30 Bratislava;
b) meet the conditions for acceptance for higher education study pursuant to Act no. 131/2002 Coll. on universities and on the amendment of certain acts, as amended,;
c) submit a completed application form for an SR Government scholarship with the relevant attachments;
d) candidates of 18 to 26 years of age may apply for an SR Government scholarship.
How to I Apply – Next Steps
- A request for an SR Government scholarship is to be made by a foreigner no later than 30 May of the respective year on the form “Application for Scholarship of the Government of the Slovak Republic” with the relevant attachments, which form an integral part of these materials.
- The application is available in electronic form at
- Incomplete applications will not be forwarded to the selection committee proceedings.
- Exceptions will only be made for the additional submission of a final certificate that the applicant receives in the given calendar year at a date after that of submitting the application to the Slovak party.
- Materials not sent electronically may not be accepted in written form.
Closing Date:
- For academic year 2016/2017 is possible to send application electronically in terms: 29.03.2016 – 30.05.2016
How do I get more information?
Website –
Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sports of the SR
- Stromová 1
- 813 30 Bratislava
Developing aid:
- RNDr. Danica Šišková
- Telephone No.: +421 2 59374 605
- Fax: +421 2 59374 645
yared atalel says
My name is Yared Atalel chekol graduated mekelle university in Ethiopia electrical & computer engineering special ( communication & electronics engineering) BSC degree in the time of moment. I went to study MSC in Slovakia if you are interested to support me
Thunkfull for it
thanks for all DIR sponsored: my name is ADEM AHMED AWOL! I am graduate from governmental institution by LAW OF LLB DEGREE. and if I get in be sponsored university, believe me; I am effective behave of my education? so that, can you help me? from Ethiopia.
Woyessa Dechasa says
Thank you for all!.
im woyessa Dechasa from Ethiopia.
I’ve BA degree in management. I’ve taken from famous university of Ethiopia by 2015. If I get this chance of learning. im sure I will enhance my knowledge concerning management. thank you for all your support!!!!!.
Amare chalie says
sir/Dear madem
First I would like to appriciate you for your endless chance specialy for undeveloped countries like ethiopia.So ,my name is Amare chalie from ethiopia and Iam graduated in chemistry in Bsc with GpA 3.85. But I need to aquire new knowledge in chemistry since chemistry have great role in this global world .So ,it is my great pleaser if I get the chance to study my Msc in chemistry to get outstanding knowledge .
Bartholomew Deng Biliew says
Bartholomew Deng Biliew from South Sudan, search for a scholarships to enable me pursue an MSc Degree in Health Service Management & Admin. i hold BSC of Public Health , Diploma in Clinical Medicine and Public Health .I will highly appreciate if awarded with scholarships in Sept 2016.
you may reach me on email
B ,Deng
chinonso henrietta ibeh says
how do i apply for the scholarship?