- The Canadian University in Dubai is committed to promoting the recruitment and retention of high academic achievers.
Scholarship Overview
- The Canadian University understands that students are different and diverse in their own ways. Financial limitations and special needs should never get in the way of getting an excellent education.
Host School(s)
- Canadian University Dubai
Field(s) of Study
- Any course offered by the Canadian University, Dubai.
What does the scholarship cover?
- There are four types of scholarships.
- Academic Excellence Scholarships
- A 100% fee waiver is given to candidates who have an academic average of 98% and above. To renew the scholarship, one must have a CGPA of 3.90.
- A 50% tuition fee waiver is given to those who have an academic average of 95% and above and is renewed if the recipient maintains a CGPA of 3.85 or above.
For the Academic Achievement Scholarship targeting new students:
- Recipients receive a 20% fee waiver valid for the first semester if the high school grade achieved is 85% and above. If the student maintains a 3.85% CGPA, he or she will be eligible for a 10% tuition fee waiver in subsequent semesters.
- Sports Scholarships
- This scholarship is awarded based on sports achievement and academic performance.
- A 40% tuition fee waiver is given to students who have an academic average of 80% or above. To renew the scholarship, one must have a CGPA of 3.5 at the end of the first semester. Failure to meet these requirements will lead to discontinuation of the scholarship.
- A 10% tuition fee waiver is given to those who have an academic average of 70% and above. Renewal of this scholarship is subject to the student maintaining a CGPA of 3.0 and above.
- Financial Hardship Scholarships
- These scholarships promote access to higher education for students facing financial hardship.
- A 40% tuition fee waiver is given to students who have an academic average of 75%. The recipient must maintain a CGPA of 3.30 or higher for the scholarship to be renewed.
- Special Needs
- Canadian University Dubai supports the cognitive, emotional and creative development of students with disabilities by providing an inclusive learning environment.
- A 40% tuition fee reduction is given to students who qualify for this scholarship.
- The CGPA requirement for special needs students at the end of the first semester is considered by the committee on a case-by-case basis.
- A professional, documented diagnosis of disability must be supplied to the university at the time of application.
How many scholarships are given?
- A limited number of scholarships in each category are given every year.
Which countries are targeted?
- Students of any citizenship who meet the admission requirements can apply.
Am I Eligible to Apply?
- To qualify for this scholarship, you must:
- Be enrolled in four or more academic courses per semester. (Financial hardship and special needs applications are handled on a case-by-case basis.
- Maintain the Cumulative Grade point Average (CGPA) to continue with the scholarship. (Exceptions are made for special needs and financial hardship cases)
- Have the required academic average
- Pay all other fees (tuition and housing) promptly before applying for the scholarship
- Note that:
- You can apply for more than one scholarship at a time, as long as you meet the eligibility requirements
- The scholarship is only valid for current tuition fees
- You can apply again for the same scholarship in successive years
- Scholarships are only valid for consecutive semesters, e.g. Fall and Spring
- Sports and academic scholarships are based purely on merit
How do I Apply –Next Steps
- Email your scholarship application forms along with all supporting documents to scholarship@cud.ac.ke
- Applications for sports scholarships require the following supporting documents:
- A completed and signed application form
- A brief bio highlighting relevant sporting accomplishments
- Scanned copies of references from a coach and/or PE teacher, on an institutional letterhead
- Applications for the financial hardship scholarships require the following supporting documents:
- A completed and signed application
- A current rental contract
- Recent bank statements
- An employee certificate and salary statement for each employed family member
- Copies of passports and visas for all working family members (or both parents)
- Certificates of educational tuition fees for each sibling
- Special needs scholarship applications require:
- A professional, documented diagnosis of the applicant’s disability
Closing Date:
- For entry in the Fall Semester – June 15th, 2017
- For entry in the Spring Semester – December 20th, 2017
How do I get more information?
- Scholarship website: www.cud.ac.ae/scholarships/prospective-students
- Free Scholarships – Click Here
- Top Undergrad Scholarships – http://www.myinternationalscholarships.com/category/level-of-study/undergrad/
- Top Graduate Scholarships – http://www.myinternationalscholarships.com/category/level-of-study/graduatemasters/
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